Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hey Anonymous, try not using your personal IP address

Genius chefprenteneur Neal Brown has taken it to the next level of confidence with his new line of T shirts featuring bad Yelp reviews of his restaurants Pizzology and Libertine. Both of which are fabulous BTW. I should add these reviews are by amateur critics and should be taken with a large grain of black Agean Sea salt. You can get it at the aforementioned dining spots

I  am thinking about have some IFB shirts made featuring some of the idiotic comments I get. Sadly, they are not the least bit clever or interesting. Perhaps the "Get a Real Job" one would make the cut. That would be so much more hilarious if you knew the occupation of the one who spewed this. I could even do it on zazzle and make mugs and iphone cases! Fun!