I went down on Mass Ave to Tantrum www.tantrumusa.com today. Bright and open shop with high ceiling and huge dressing rooms. Delving into the racks, however, you find a darker, deeper side. Edgy (word of the day, i think) off kilter, just one little detail that makes you go hmmmm. Denim hung on handcuffs(cool!) Hudson and some names I've never heard of, lots of high waisted. Prices all over the board: Tunic/dress for $90 and then a skirt for $395. The very best was the Lorick skirt, which is affiliated with the Gossip Girls show somehow, NOT a ringing endorsement, but i am just sayin'. It was vintage-y, yet sexy, a rare combination. The best was an embroidered yellow mesh pencil skirt. unusual coloring and fabric , great fit. If I had a spare $400, it would have been mine. Maybe later. Lots of Fred Perry which reminds me of an English Lacoste rugby prep. I liked that they had some truly (Indianapolis) bizarre, like a tweedy jumpsuit, snap crotch leotards and high waisted jeans. I was intrigued by the banded hemmed tunic/dress theme. Would it make my butt look big or just be nice and comfy on the tummy after a lobster dinner? Bags were Betseyville, a line by Betsey Johnson that look really cool but really don't have the quality to justify the price point. i hope they are going to ditch that. No shoes. I went there to kinda prep for the fashion show in the pm NEXT
Tantrum did their show at 6, a club on S. Meridian. Oddly, there was no swag anything to identify that I was indeed where I thought I was. I am sure a lot of patrons were there for the show but many were not and I think anything with a name or address to take home may have helped promote, but I'm just sayin'. Usual "6" crowd. I counted: 7 oversized clutches, 4 hotpants, 1 straw fedora (tilted at the requisite rakish angle), 3 Pucci style dresses, came together, think they planned it??, pointy white guy shoes and, alarmingly, 2 guy patchwork plaid looks (jacket and shirt). Oh yes, 1 lace overlay Vuitton Speedy, fake or not? Discuss. The VIP area was, as usual, a dissapointment. Lots of t shirts and tanorexics. OK, so the show started, fashionably late. The first look I was all over. 50's style dot skirt, tighty tee and HUGE red bag, giving me a Fendi B flashback. the rest was, gosh I hate to say it, a bit downhill from there. The hair was really great but the clothes......C'mon girls, it's a SHOW. I was really hoping for something over the top and strange. Aforementioned banded dress/tunic shown with a belt which made it look quite futuristic. I would not add that but look great on that girl.Lots of tight pants and interestingly detailed tops that actual people might wear. YAWN I was glad to see the formerly maligned tweed jumpsuit getting it's redemption, it actually looked quite good with a sassy belt and easy tank. Some of the models were clearly nervous, one girl almost fell off the runway. God bless Indiana, no one laughed; they actually cheered when she did her final pose. What was I wearing? Oh thank you for asking. Grey really tight tee with Lee Angel chunky black lucite chain, double looped and TB cuff (Love it), 7 jeans darkwash sz 26(totally sucking it in), Ulrike's Extra Pocket bag for my camera http://www.uxpfashion.com/ and my Modern Vintage heels which failed me terribly by giving me a big ol' blister. Didn't give me a lick of trouble last time i wore them tromping over 7 hours during a First Friday/ Wheeler soiree/bar crawl/fight, though i have to admit, I was quite plastered on said occasion. So, Tantrum Girls, keep up the good work, you brought it to Indy, don't be afraid to show it off. And call me if that skirt goes on sale