I went to the zoo today to see the Koalas. Super cute! And actually awake, a nice bonus. Did you know they sleep, like, 22 hours a day? I'd like to do that. I wore an early 50's dress in a super lightweight cotton, i didn't realize it was a navy print until I got out in the sunshine, and all my acessories are black, oh well. I flipped the sailor-ish collar over my shrug you you could see the details. The center flower was a little squished, I may have to replace it with a really big one or maye just a big navy vintage button. I had to throw away the decrepit original belt. Forever searching for a wide, large covered buckle one that does not cost $430(I am looking at YOU Saks). I had to swipe this one from my Nanette leopard dress, it finally fits around my former fat self
Listening to the Indy 500 on the way home and almost started crying when Danica got smushed. I really thought my girl could win it this year. I love her. She was the only one with security at the parade yesterday, maybe that is why she was so frowny. UPDATE: I just saw the video of her after the crash and she was stalking over to Disco Brisco's pit crew to totally kick their asses until security intervened. http://sports.yahoo.com/irl/photo;_ylt=As1z0RTGMDeNdh5xe2xNhRrAv7YF?slug=be3e0299fec34822935b10c8aded8590.irl_indy_500_auto_racing_naa142&prov=ap HAH, she would do it too. Not just a bitch slap either but an ultimate fighting punch in the face. I heart her even more