My friend, Debbie, who is also a vintage clothing dealer, calls me all concerned about this new shop in Broad Ripple. Rag-o-rama is a chain that buys and sells used trendy clothing. http://www.ragorama.com/ I stopped in today to check check it out. It is definitely a young hipster scene. The floor guys wouldn't even talk to me, (I felt like i was in an Abercrombie) and way too much forever 21 bullshit. I did not give up, of course, and after combing the racks I did score some NWT Anthropologie shorts, 50's striped sweater, Vintage hippie Gunne Sax dress and Marc Jacobs heels, alas too small for me. It is all going online except for maybe the Leonard Skynard and Ella Moss shirt I am keeping for myself. (that is two different shirts, mind you) They have a cash on the spot policy of 30% or 50% credit. Maybe I'll take some of my hoochie shirts there. They must bring some of this merch in from other locations, it seemed just a wee ahead, like stuff Indy kids would be hanging on to as it is just so NOW. I'm gonna stop in quite often, I think they get a lot of new stuff every day. I don't think Debbie has anything to worry about, the true vintage stuff was pretty cheap and there was not a lot of it