Checked out the new Target GO line by Rogan today. What a snore, there was only one dress that caught my attention and it would need some seriously funky shoes to push it over the crest of ho hum. http://www.target.com/Rogan-Target-Woven-Shirtdress-Black/dp/B0016OARHA/sr=1-4/qid=1211253166/ref=sr_1_4/601-1621868-5295350?ie=UTF8&pricerange=&index=target&field-browse=1038576&rh=k%3Arogan&page=3
A little too much leopard and zebra, which i am shocked to find I dislike. Maybe that ghastly Heidiwood line has turned my heart forever. I did pick up a smushed cowboy hat, alas a few days too late. What is with Tarzeys interim no name "go" line? did someone back out at the last minute? I bet it was Zak. I did buy the metallic stretch pencil skirt from this collection, but have yet to wear it
Unique Thrift has 25% on Mondays and i got a 70';s rayon polka dot sundress and a hilarious daisy apron. I may wear it with cuffed jeans and ice blue converse out and about, or would i look like i worked at Fuseks? Still might be cute and I will disclose Itotally stole this idea from Amy Sedaris
I am very excited to attend Tantrum's party at 6 Lounge on Thursday. It will be my first blog on the go. I hope I don't get too drunk and spill something on all that white stuff