Lets face it, your clothing is presenting an extension of yourself to the general public. Which is not a bad thing, if you care as much as I do. This attention to detail can carry over to your environment, which would include furniture. Unlike your wardrobe, YOU have to look at it, constantly and while I totally agree that fashion hurts, day to day living is something else entirely. I have had some pretty great stuff come my way in the mid mod business but with little kids, I have had to compromise a bit. It actually hurt me inside to buy a Pottery Barn sofa but, damn, that thing was comfortable. I treat my rooms like my closet: basic, basic, something weird, basic, and of course, at least one animal print. If I were really really rich I'd have a really really weird furniture like this climbing sofa by Lila Jang or this crazy table by French designer John Nouanesing. Instead I have to settle for a teeny twist on the classic like my Victorian sofa in a horribly expensive furry tiger print done by horribly expensive upholsterer Paul Howard. Worth it , eh? PS: That's my jammies suitcase underneath. Reuse, Recycle