Hi, my name is Jennifer and I have just escaped from the Athleta catalog. Please, bring me some central air, lipstick and a Scotch, stat!
Last night I was returning home from my workout, which apparently took place during a huge storm because there were limbs down all over the place that were not there before. Suddenly, the road was blocked by a huge tree! Which I ran over. But the next one was even bigger so I had to stop, which was only possible because I was no longer going 70 miles an hour like the first time. Suddenly, I was surrounded by villagers wielding chain saws, who, instead of banging on my windshield, processed to dismantle said tree and clear the road. It was just the best, mass spontaneous, help out ever! Suddenly, Indiana is a very cool place to be. Where else would that happen and you not have to tip? Kiss Kiss, cute neighbors!!!