Some countries have banned those plastic shopping bags for life. That seems like a great philosophy but what will we use for dirty diapers? And dogs pick up poops? and bathroom trashcan liners? I have several of those RSB that live in the back of my gas hoggin' SUV that rarely get out but others are using them quite a bit. I am hoping though, if they pass a law that forces us to use them, they will also pass a law on the condition they can be carried around in. Please make them washable and please wash them. If i see another nasty bag getting an organic apple and Kashi cereal put into them I will just barf!.I mean, you might as well bring your dirty sweatpants to carry those beans and weenies in. Ick. Anyway I bought this hilarious reusable shopping bag (RSB) at haus for my friend because, like it, she is mean and green. I had to save it until now because I didn't want her to see it on the blog before she got it. You're welcome, Amy!