Did you know Indianapolis has it's own roller derby team? I suppose if you read NUVO you do. I went on Saturday to the last bout of the season HOOSIER DADDY and it was just the greatest. Not like on TV, alarmingly, NO WALLS. I still don't really understand the rules, but all that pushing and shoving was quite impressive. All the girls and officials have aliases, the best being Smackie O'nassis and Grand Ref Otto. Jerry Lee www.myspace.com/jerryleeswesternwear made the team's uniforms which of course had a western sensibility but the accessories ran the gamut from with schoolgirls striped stockings, gothy ponytails and scary face masks. Refs were dressed too, one had ruffled bloomers, devil horn helmet and stripy armbands, very cute, black lipstick not so much. The crowd was alternative/normal, no really great outfits or mullets but surprisingly, lots of interesting eyeglasses. Well, there was one chick with some fur/marabou cuffs thing going on, not sure what that was about. Season is over for now but tryouts start in July! I was really on the fence about trying out for this, I like shoving (see mosh pit) but I think I am a little old. I already have my name tho'.....Nine Inch Nails. Rowl.