God, this twelve thousand feet of snow we got is just not conclusive to fabulousness, though I did dig out my Sorel boots and threw on a vintage mink to get the paper. Not like I could find it or anything like that. While stuck at my house for an interminable amount of time, compounded by no school for three days, caused me to review old tear sheets and I came across this makeup from Proenza Schouler Fall 2008 that made me kind of go huh. Now while I can't recommend this all over superhero mask look for the blue shadow, I have to admit being introduced to it at Sephora in Vegas for my own personal self made me a convert. Using Sugar's Color Stick metallic Blue Pop right above my top liner just makes me all sparkly and by the end of the day it has kind of migrated all over my top eyelid in a random yet cheerful way