I won't bore you with a best of 2008 lame ass list, who cares especially since they are all the same. How about some resolutions? In one of this week's Wall Street Journals there was an article about influential person's resolutions and I found it interesting that two of the creatives, Diane VonFurstenburg and that nut, Philippe Petit, who walked the tightrope between the the Trade Towers said the same thing. They don't use the calendar turn to the new year as an opportunity make a resolution. Rather, they use situations and inspirations to make a resolutions all year long. Ya know, keeping the flow. Conversely Mitt Romey resolved to stop sleeping in his suit and I resolved to start sleeping in my bra
Monday, December 29, 2008
I won't bore you with a best of 2008 lame ass list, who cares especially since they are all the same. How about some resolutions? In one of this week's Wall Street Journals there was an article about influential person's resolutions and I found it interesting that two of the creatives, Diane VonFurstenburg and that nut, Philippe Petit, who walked the tightrope between the the Trade Towers said the same thing. They don't use the calendar turn to the new year as an opportunity make a resolution. Rather, they use situations and inspirations to make a resolutions all year long. Ya know, keeping the flow. Conversely Mitt Romey resolved to stop sleeping in his suit and I resolved to start sleeping in my bra