So I am trying to get some outfits together for my Las Vegas weekend and I'm thinking about going 80's glam instead of casino 60's. You know: sparkle, animal print, cleavage, maybe some shoulder pads. So where else do i go but bebe. Oh I found lots of the aforementioned but just could not pull the trigger possibly because my pasty legs detracted immensely from all the mini stuff I tried on. I'm thinking leggings not Hilton spray tan will fix that quick. I am still pondering this leopard blouse/dress thingy that I thought was 50% off but was not, causing a huge sulking fit directed at my Visa. Really, really like the graphics on this T shirt but, jeez, fifty bucks?
PS: Saks today ONLY 40% Prada, Chloe and Louboutian shoes.