Everyone has been asking me what I want for my **** birthday. I used to say "Botox, boobjob, boyfriend, bwhahaha" But now I am over all but one of them which no one in their right mind would get me anyway. In my dreams I would have to say: a new laptop like this Vivianne Tam one by HP, DJ lessons, a pink Nash Met with camper not that I camp or anything just super cute, YSL Muse bag size large, a clean garage, another Mason Pearson hairbrush, a restraining order, Funyuns to be fat free, my Gussie back and to not be argued with for an entire 24 hour period. And national health insurance Amen. I know the last four are pretty much impossible but I have hope and that is about all that keeps me going on my march towards death. Well, that and MY TRIP TO VEGAS IN 2 WEEKS. After that, I do not know. Perhaps I will fall into a pit of dispair which is also known by it's other name: CHRISTMAS. Or not. Actually, why don't you just buy me a drink and maybe a nice card or something