Went to Keystone's Nordstrom opening day today. What a zoo. I was even more freaked out because the back of my truck was open because I had a chair in there I had taken to Consigning Women to, well, consign, and even though the website said you could bring stuff in anytime I was informed, that they were, indeed too busy today and can I come back next week? Ummm, no. So after parking in the crime scene of the week parking garage, I put everything of obvious value in my bag which then made it weigh 4 tons which was all for nothing since I left 2 tantalizing twenties on the seat. Anyhoo, the stuff at this store is great. Isili, Gryphon, Hanii y, Temperley (sooooo pretty), Alexander Wang, Ports 1961 and boring Burberry, though there was a cropped bronze shiny puffer coat which was pushing the envelope a bit. Handbag selection could be better and no super high end shoes. Huuuuge cosmetic department. Also saw some really bad plastic surgery. I am really hoping the weird stuff end up on the clearance rack in January because I will totally buy it
Forever 21 shirt, Citizens skirt, Vintage Modern shoes